
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bathroom Inspiration

Our new house has one full bath and one half bath and both were small but functional at the time of closing.  Now they are completely non-functional (read: everything is ripped out) (& soon they will be functional & pretty).  So today I am trying to remember that it has to get a little crazy before it gets better. This post from Young House Love reminded me of that.  While I was thinking about how crazy it gets in "the middle" I thought it might be helpful to remind myself where we are going (i.e. the toilet won't always be in the living room).

Before that can happen though, this is where we started:

Matt was really not a fan of the salmon colored tub. Fortunately, it's gone now.

Our checklist in here looks something like this:
-remove baseboard heater
-remove old tub
-install new tub and tub/shower fixtures
-remove toilet and vanity in order to demo tile
-remove tile
-install new tile
-install beadboard
-replace vanity with pedestal sink
-sew a simple roman shade for the window

1.  We found this mirror to pair with our new pedestal sink.  We purchased a Kohler pedestal sink (found at our local Habitat Restore) to replace the larger vanity.  When we removed the old vanity we discovered that it had never actually fit into the space and a significant amount of damage had been done to the sheetrock to force it to fit so replacing with a smaller pedestal sink was a much better option.

2.  A pretty picture found here on Pinterest.  I love the way the light blue and the white beadboard lighten up this room.

3. Blue hydrangeas are the inspiration for the colors in this room.

4.  Pretty white tile will help the lighten this room up as well.

5.  Another inspired room from Pinterest.

6. I love these apothecary jars as a pretty way to display bathroom essentials.

7.  And a possible paint color.  Hopefully, we will pick a color out this weekend and start painting!


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